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School Choice Open Enrollment

Salem Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

School Psychologist's Corner

  Welcome to the School Psychologist's Corner !


Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning to Offer Families Scholarships for Care and Support

The Georgia Department of early Care and Learning is providing scholarships for families with students enrolled in a Georgia Public School, state charter commission school, or locally approved charter school offering primarily virtual learning.  Scholarships will support working families with children and young adults ages 5 - 12  (kindergarten through grade 7), or up to age 22 for students with qualifying disabilities, by paying for care, supervision, and support during the school day while students are engaged in virtual learning.   To Apply:

To Read the books below, click on the cover.  You will be directed to the Destiny (circulation system) page.  Then click on the title of the book.  You will then need a username and password.  The username will be the student or employee ID number with the s (for student) or the e (for employee) in front of the numbers.  The password will be mydestiny.  

Teens Talk About Anxiety and DepressionTeens Talk About Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence