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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Salem Middle School

Dekalb County Schools


 Click on the words above to view Salem's Counseling program.


Tiffanie Lawrence-Benton
Head Counselor
7th Grade Counselor

Leona Jackson

6th Grade Counselor

[email protected]

Bradford Clark
8th Grade Counselor

Carl Weaver
MTSS Chairperson

By the time girls reach 8th grade, girls are 50% more likely to drop out of sports than boys.  
For more information on this exciting program that helps girls in sports and their communities, 

 Click on the image below for important information on Bullying and Cyberbulling

Georgia Department of Labor Online Youth Work Permit          

Get a Youth Work Permit Online
Effective July 1, 2015, with the exception of minors in entertainment, work permits are no longer required for youth age 16 and older.  Minor Allows a minor to start a work permit online.  

American School Counseling Association National Model

The mission of the Salem Middle School Counseling Department is to cultivate responsible adolescent students and to encourage them to learn continually, to think critically and to achieve their goals.
All students at Salem Middle School are uniquely talented learners who will graduate College and Career Ready, by engaging in personal inquiry, adopting a growth mindset, embracing social responsibility, and demonstrating academic and career excellence.
SMS School Motto: United We Conquer
Counseling Services
As professional school counselors, our job is to support academic achievement by removing barriers to learning for all students.  In short, we advocate for students!!  We provide support in a number of ways such as, individual and small group counseling, classroom guidance, and help during parent-teacher conferences. The SMS counseling team also supports and/or facilitates Student Support Team meetings (SST's), Response to Intervention meetings (RTI) and Section 504 meetings (The Rehabilitation Act of 1973).
During digital learning, DeKalb County School District Counselors will continue supporting students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, utilizing Microsoft Teams for individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.
SMS Counselors are available from 8:00am until 4:00pm for students and parents, each school day.   Parents may email a request to schedule an appointment with the student's designated counselor.  
Counseling Administrative Assistant: The SMS Counseling Center is supported by Ms. Telah Gray. Ms. Gray can be reached at 678-676-9432
Parent Resources:

Book Titles for adolescents and parents -
Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girl
by Rachel Simmons
Queen Bee Moms and Kingpin Dads: Dealing with the Difficult Parents in Your Child's Life
by Rosalind Wiseman and Elizabeth Rapoport
Growing Up Global: Raising Children to Be At Home in the World
by Homa Sabet Tavangar]
Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
by William Pollack
Get Out of My Life, but First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall
by Anthony E. Wolf
Community Resources

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273 TALK (8255)
Georgia Crisis Line
can also download the mygcal APP
Youth Crisis Hotline (Runaway Safe Line)
1-800-621-4000 or 1-800448-4663
Crisis Text Line
Text START to 741741
East DeKalb Mental Health Center
Tabitha’s House (Human Trafficking Safe Place)

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I come up to the school to meet with the school counselor without notice?
All appointments with the school counselor must be scheduled in advance.  Please contact your student's school counselor prior to visiting the school in order to set up an appointment time so that we can give your concerns the appropriate attention they deserve.
When should I contact a school counselor?
When your student is having difficulty achieving academically.
When family changes interfere with academic progress.
When you want to become more involved in your student's educational and career choices.
Will my child be in trouble if he/she visits the school counselor?
School Counselors are not disciplinarians! Our primary role is to assist in removing barriers that may keep the student from being successful in the academic environment.  
Will others know that my child is being seen by the counselor?   
School counselors take every precaution to protect the confidentiality of each student.  A student’s right to privacy and confidentiality is the basis for an effective counseling relationship. Confidentiality ensures that school counselors won’t share students’ disclosures with others (including teachers and other staff members) unless the student authorizes it or when there is a clear and present danger to the student and/or to other persons.
If the counselor sees my child, is this on the student's permanent record?
No information shared with the counselor is included in the permanent record.  Again, information is only shared with others when there is a clear and present danger to the student or other persons or if permission is given by the student and/or parent to share information with others as relevant to the student's success at school.  
If my child sees the school counselor, will I be contacted?
Many times parents initiate the referral process and may speak to the counselor before counseling sessions take place with the students.  However, parents are not called every time a counselor meets with a child.  And, should parents be called in to meet with the school counselor in a collaborative effort to help the student, parents must also realize that confidentiality is the hallmark of a school counselors’ work. When students enter into a counseling relationship, the school counselor will educate the student about the purposes, goals, techniques and rules of procedure under which they may receive counseling. As counseling with a student progresses, it may become beneficial or necessary for the school counselor to consult and collaborate with parents. It’s the school counselor’s responsibility to reach an agreement with the student about what information to share with the parents; unless, of course, there is a clear and imminent danger to the student or others.  While respecting the rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians for their children, the school counselor works to establish a mutual relationship with parents/guardians to maximize a student’s development. In addition, school counselors respect students’ values and beliefs without imposing their own personal values on the situation.
What are the limitations to confidentiality that parents should know about?
The limitations of confidentiality don’t include information of possible abuse or harm to a child. By law, school counselor must report any case of suspected abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.  
Can the school counselor provide therapy?  
While school counselors have specific training in regards to mental health issues, they are not intended to function as therapists.  The role of school counselors is to assist students with academic issues that may interfere with their academic success. School counselors are equipped to serve as liaisons with outside agencies and can consult with families about the steps to take to link to outside therapeutic services.  
Will my child miss academic time when they see the school counselor?
While the school counselor makes every effort to protect academic time, it may occur that a student briefly misses academic time to meet with the counselor.  School counselors do their very best to prevent the counseling session from being a burden on the student academically

Kimberly Johnson, Parent Liaison